Endodontic Retreatment

When performed with high technical precision, root canal treatment boasts an impressive success rate. Statistically, approximately 90% of teeth that undergo root canal therapy remain functional for a decade. Nevertheless, not every case achieves success. In these situations, endodontic retreatment could provide an opportunity to preserve your tooth.

A previously root treated tooth may become reinfected due to issues such as leaky fillings, decay, or fractures. The root canals of a tooth may also not have been properly cleaned during the initial treatment. By retreating the root canal, infection can typically be controlled and your natural tooth retained, often at a cost cheaper than that of a dental implant.


The suitability of root canal retreatment in each individual case will be discussed with you by our Endodontist.

Initially, the old root fillings are accessed, the root filling material removed, and any missed root canals located. The root canals are then disinfected and the root canals refilled and a filling placed to prevent reinfection.

In complex cases, your Endodontist may also recommend endodontic surgery at the completion of the retreatment procedure.

After Your Appointment

Similar to initial root canal therapy, pain and discomfort following retreatment is often minimal and well controlled with over the counter pain medication.

Your endodontist will discuss this with you at the completion of endodontic treatment.